The Terra hack set for Escape From Tarkov comes with a range of detailed ESPs that will allow you to be the most informed PMC in your sessions. Along with displaying other players, it will also show you where scavs are located so you don’t end up getting killed by the AI.
This cheat set also comes with an adjustable aimbot that even has a risky silent aim feature. Additional mods packaged in the Escape From Tarkov Terra set include
no recoil and no sway for perfect accuracy.
Enemy ESP, bot ESP, and item ESP
Silent aimbot with customizable aim bones
Night and thermal visions
Infinite stamina and instant bullet mods
Cheating in Escape From Tarkov will allow you to ensure that you don’t end up losing all of your valuable gear just because someone got lucky and snuck up on you. With the wide range of cheats available in this pack, you’ll have the advantage in terms of information and combat effectiveness.
While this EFT hack might not be the best for you, checkout our
best eft hacks guide.