Please make sure that your Antivirus (external or Windows Defender), as well as your Firewall, are all disabled before using the cheat.
Follow this video-guide to know HOW TO
Run the futlic loader as an administrator.
Paste your serial key and click "Activate".
The loader will be activated, and then the trainer should appear.
From here you can check your expiration date and game info.
Open the game and join the FUT Main menu.
How to use the features in-game:
- Disconnect win (first you need to score a goal then activate) Activate when you see stadium, disable after match
- Random Origin ID Activate when you see opp squad, disable after match
Traits: Activate in Squad menu.
Legacy Defending / Assisted Headers / Other features: Activate in-match, press pause, enable the features, go to Game Settings, then controller settings, don't change anything and go back to match.
Player Link: Activate in Squad Menu.
Anti "Alt+Tab": Activate in Squad menu.
Play in Div.: Activate in Squad Menu.
Play against 0 winning opp. Draft: Activate in Draft Main Menu.
- Cpu vs Cpu: Press F4 in game. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- DR: Activate in Squad Menu.
- WL+DF Stats: Activate in Squad Menu. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Lists:
- Search for opponent then Hit "Add to Blacklist" or "Add to Whitelist". ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Substitutions: Activate in Squad Menu.
- Squad Rating: Activate in Sqaud Menu.
- Players Card: Activate in Squad Menu.
- SB Difficulty: Go in Squad Battles, choose ultimate difficulty, continue until you see the screen where "Play", "Game settings" etc. then choose Difficulty in Trainer, play the game, in 80 - 85 Minute go on trainer and set it back to default
- Icon Players: Activate it when you choose the kits in Squad Battles.
- Edit Club Name: Look in FAQ Video by AKA.
- Match speed 2x: Activate in Squad menu, play the Game, in 80 - 85 Minute untick the Box. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PLAYERS FUNCTIONS:
- Chemstyle: Activate in Squad Menu. - Weakfoot: Activate in Squad Menu. - Skillmoves: Activate in Squad Menu. - Workrate: Activate in Squad Menu. - Position: Activate in Squad Menu. - Preferred Foot: Activate in Squad Menu. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Substitutions:
- SAME AS PLAYERFUNCTIONS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO CLUBS: (need to be Captain)
- Skills: Choose Skill you want and click on left box, before starting game. - all Bots 5*: Activate in Pro Clubs Menu. - All Bots 5*: Activate in Pro Clubs Menu. - Bots with .. Skills: Activate in Pro Clubs Menu. - Hidden Skills 99: Activate after you changed your specific skills. - Traits: Activate before game in Pro Clubs Menu.
Visible or Invisible
Which features are visible or invisible to the opponent?
Frequently Asked Questions
Gamepron works as an external cheat, meaning that you must run the game in Borderless mode.
For this Testing we will be running the game in Borderless mode and 1920×1080 resolution.
I am getting "failed to loader the driver" error. How do I fix it?
The cheat is not loading. How do I fix it?
When you open the loader, a small message will be shown, if you close this window, nothing else will work. This window must remain open for few seconds. Also, if you disable the crosshair/esp options given next, the cheat will be disabled ingame.
Please read and follow this article before using any cheat!
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